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School Policies & Procedures

Los Angeles Unified School District Parent and Family Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

  • Parents as Equal Partners in the Education of Their Children, a resolution adopted by the Board of Education in December of 2010, recognizes family strengths and assets as essential to the academic success of students, and acknowledges parents as the first and most important lifelong teachers of their children. To that end, families and schools accept responsibility for students success and commit to a partnership that:


    • Maintains high expectations for student achievement

    • Ensures all children are college and career ready

    • Promotes productive conversation and collaboration

    • Reflects mutual respect and support for each other


    Parents and families have the right to:

    • Receive a free, quality education that honors their child’s learning and achievement

    • Receive an education that prepares their child for college and 21st century careers

    • Participate in a welcoming environment that values family assets and contributions to learning

    • Know the school’s expectations, educational programs, policies and procedures

    • Access translation services in order to communicate effectively with school staff

    • Review their school’s report card to assess the quality of their child’s school

    • Know their child’s progress and performance and how to access support when needed

    • Visit and observe their child’s classroom and develop partnerships with teachers and staff

    • Volunteer their time and talents for the improvement of their child's school

    • Engage in learning opportunities so they can support education at home and at school

    • File a formal complaint when necessary, without fear of reprisal

    • Seek socio-emotional and mental health services from their child’s school

    • Access digital content and support to learn how to use technology in the home


    Parents and families have responsibilities to:

    • Promote literacy, high achievement, and a love of learning at home

    • Ensure their child attends school every day, on time, and is ready to learn

    • Monitor and guide their child’s academic progress to ensure success

    • Seek tutoring and other learning support for their child when needed

    • Explore all campus options and school choices available to their child

    • Conference with teachers and other school staff about their child’s education

    • Participate in school meetings and activities to be informed about the school

    • Express their level of satisfaction through the annual School Experience Survey

    • Provide pertinent information about their child as requested by the school

    • Advocate for their child’s education and for the school's well-being

    • Speak to their child about the importance of physical, social, emotional and mental health

    • Familiarize themselves with technology and to seek technology training from the school campus when needed

