Students drop off/pick up

Dear Families,
We need your help with an issue. The issue is with traffic and parking in the mornings and afternoons. It is becoming increasingly problematic and we are concerned.
Let's all work together to fix this so that every student can safely get to class!
Please remind yourself of these guidelines and kindly remind each other.
- We don't double park
- Our students should only exit on the school side​ of the road; or park on the opposite side and use the crosswalks.
- We don't use the small staff parking lot for drop off or pick up
- At dismissal, we park half a block from the school and walk to the front gate/auditorium.
- For older kids, we can arrive two minutes after dismissal and traffic will have cleared out.

I know that everyone's mornings & afternoons are hectic. I also know that the Gault Street community wants to be safe and wants their kiddo to safely get to class.

Let's work together to follow these guidelines.

Thank you!